Each year, Lonely Planet, the world’s most popular travel brand, ranks its ten favorite destinations in the United States. In 2018, with Richard Stenger playing a key role during the selection process, it chose Humboldt County as number one.
To make the case for Humboldt, Stenger shared extensive research on the region and provided the nomination team with Humboldt stories, images, videos and memorabilia. And he organized and led an advance trip for Lonely Planet editorial staff.
Afterwards, he helped Lonely Planet craft the press release that announced the win, and managed a grand prize sweepstakes circulated in print and on various social media channels.
Stenger ensured that the Lonely Planet editorial coverage and sweepstakes and related social media focused on the attractions, parks and business of Humboldt County, his tourism client.
The result of the partnership? A PR campaign that generated more than 1 billion impressions and millions in free publicity in the world media.